1. There are five main components of fitness: the body’s ability to use oxygen, muscular strength, endurance, flexibility and body composition.
2. People who work out with a partner are more likely to stick with their fitness regimes.
A study by the University of Aberdeen found that people who worked out with a partner exercised more than those who followed their regular routine alone.[1]
Additionally, the study found that people who offered emotional support and encouragement to their partners were more likely to exercise than partners who only offered practical support, like never missing a session.
So find a friend and encourage each other to meet your fitness goals, the health facts show it will get you moving!
3. Scheduling in rest days gives your body the time it needs to recover and improve.
4. Music can inadvertently get you moving faster during those tough workouts.
Additionally, music is a good form of distraction. The right music varies person to person, but tempo and rhythm response tend to be the key factors for staying motivated.[2]
Research dates back to 1911, when cyclists were found to pedal faster while a band was playing music.[3]
5. Optimal fitness requires a balanced exercise routine that incorporates aerobic, strength training and flexibility exercises.
By increasing your heart rate through aerobic exercises you oxygenate the body to improve heart and brain health.
Strength training builds muscle mass, which in turn burns fat. Additionally, it’s been proven to promote cognitive function.[4]
In order to perform everyday activities with ease, flexibility is required.
By stretching regularly, practicing yoga, or Pilates, you can prevent loss of mobility, decrease the chance of injury and improve your performance during exercise.[5]
6. Fitness influencers have been shown through research to impact the health behaviours of young women.
Here at The Good Body we’ve curated a shortlist of the best fitness accounts and influencers to follow if you’re looking to be inspired.
7. 80% of Americans who have a gym membership do not use the gym.
8. The word ‘gymnasium’ comes from an Ancient Greek term meaning “school for naked exercise”.
9. Everyone can reap the benefits of physical activity, regardless of age, shape or size.
10. Regular physical activity, combined with a healthy diet, can help prevent and manage Type 2 Diabetes.
11. Only 10% of people are successful at losing weight through diet alone.
Although weight loss should not be the sole purpose of working out, when combined with diet, it is the best way to lose weight.
The National Weight Control Registry revealed a fact about exercise that didn’t come as a surprise to anyone!
They found that 89% of people who use a combination of diet and exercise were successful at keeping the weight off for over one year.[6]
12. Only one in five children around the world do enough physical activity.
When we look at the results by gender, we see that girls are lagging behind boys.[7]
A massive 85% of girls are taking too little physical exercise, compared to 78% of boys.
13. Crunches alone won’t slim the midsection; if you want a flat belly you’ll need to incorporate cardio to burn those calories!
Strengthening your core through abdominal exercises will make you appear leaner because these muscles do help hold in your belly.
However, on their own, core exercises won’t completely eliminate fat.[8]
Studies found that partaking in aerobic exercises, such as brisk walking, running and biking, for 20-40 minutes a day is helpful in reducing that pesky fat in your midsection.[9]
14. Walking is the most popular way to stay active in the United States.
Yoga holds the top spot when it comes to the most popular forms of group exercise[10], with yoga statistics showing that 10% of the US population practice.
Live well, eat well
One important aspect of health and fitness, that we’ve spoken about a lot in this article, is of course your diet.
Learn about the nutritional value of eggshell and how eating oatmeal can calm your brain in our roundup of the most interesting healthy eating facts.
- The University of Aberdeen (2016). Want a new body? Get a new 'buddy'! [Online]. Available from: https://www.abdn.ac.uk/news/10032/ [Accessed 27 July 2023]. ↩
- HuffPost Wellness (2017). 7 Reasons You Should Listen To Music When You Work Out [Online]. Available from: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/why-exercise-workout-music-playlist_n_4173931 [Accessed 27 July 2023]. ↩
- Jabr, F. (2013). Let’s Get Physical: The Psychology of Effective Workout Music [Online]. Scientific American. Available from: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/psychology-workout-music/ [Accessed 27 July 2023]. ↩
- Nagamatsu, L.S. (2012). Resistance Training Promotes Cognitive and Functional Brain Plasticity in Seniors With Probable Mild Cognitive Impairment [Online]. Archives of Internal Medicine. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3514552/ [Accessed 27 July 2023]. ↩
- Titley, N.A. (2015). Flexibility: How it Impacts More than Your Muscles [Online]. National Posture Institute. Available from: https://www.npionline.org/articles/flexibility-how-it-impacts-more-than-your-muscles.htm [Accessed 27 July 2023]. ↩
- American Council on Exercise (2009). Weight Loss: Diet vs. Exercise [Online]. Available from: https://www.acefitness.org/resources/everyone/blog/6708/weight-loss-diet-vs-exercise/ [Accessed 27 July 2023]. ↩
- Gallagher, J. (2019). 'Global epidemic' of childhood inactivity [Online]. BBC News. Available from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-50466061 [Accessed 27 July 2023]. ↩
- Braverman, J. (2019). How Long Does it Take to Lose the Bulge and Get a Flat Stomach? [Online]. Livestrong. Available from: https://www.livestrong.com/article/544575-how-to-lose-the-bulge-and-get-a-flat-stomach-how-long-does-it-take/ [Accessed 27 July 2023]. ↩
- Ohkawara, K. et al (2007). A dose-response relation between aerobic exercise and visceral fat reduction: systematic review of clinical trials [Online]. International Journal of Obesity. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17637702/ [Accessed 27 July 2023]. ↩
- Dominic, A. (2019). 2019's 10 Most Popular Forms of Group Exercise, According to MINDBODY [Online]. Club Industry. Available from: https://www.clubindustry.com/special-report/2019-s-10-most-popular-forms-group-exercise-according-to-mindbody [Accessed 27 July 2023]. ↩